Kristy Ripple

Kristy Ripple

Nutrition Coach

DL: 215

Snatch: 115



NCI Nutrition Coach Level 1

Precision Nutrition Coach Level 1

Crossfit Level 1

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

About Coach

I was born and raised in Northeast Ohio where I was always active in multiple sports all the way through high school. After moving to Cape Coral in 2017, I wanted to try and find a way to bring back my love for athletics, get fit again, and stay healthy for the long haul.

Turning Point

What really pushed me to try CrossFit was the community aspect. I grew up playing team sports, so I am not the best at working out on my own, and I really wanted to improve my post-kids body. So I knew if I didn't have a coach to tell me what to do, I wasn't going to do it. Plus, I had just gotten out of a 10-year abusive marriage and my confidence was next to nothing. Having people around me to support, encourage, and guide me was HUGE!! It completely changed me into the strong woman I am today!

Motivation & Passion

I became a coach because I never want anyone to feel hopeless and give up on themselves. If I can help make someone’s life just 1% better, I will go all out to do it. Plus, seeing people's eyes light up when they accomplish both physical and mental goals they never thought they could, makes my heart so happy!

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